Activities for ESO

Activity #3 - ESO
My Favourite Book!

Click on this picture I took of my favourite book, Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone to watch a video where I tell you all about it & why it's my favourite!

Don't forget to do the quiz at the end & send your answers to your teacher!! Also, comment your favourite book below!

To everyone who has already commented their favourite book, thank you for sharing! They all sound very interesting. It's lovely to hear from you all. I hope you enjoyed the activity. Keep up the good work and keep reading!

Also, for those of you who love the Harry Potter books, I'm currently reading the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! I'm loving it, it might just be my new favourite book! - Alicia

Activity #2 - ESO 
A Holiday to Australia

Watch this video where I explain the instructions for this activity - A Holiday to Australia! 

Here is the link to the youtube video about the 10 Best Places to Visit in Australia:

Don't forget to email your plan to your teacher once it's finished. You will need to write down which two cities you have selected and explain the activities you have planned for each day. 

Activity #1 - ESO
My Holiday to Japan

Please, click on this image of Japan to watch the video about my trip to Japan last year. At the end of the video you will find a quiz with some questions. Remember to send your answers to your teacher once you finish! I hope you like it!


  1. I would like to go in Japan too

  2. A very nice place to go!

  3. I liked the video, I would also like to go to Japan someday

  4. Japan must be an awesome country.

  5. Japan is very beautiful, I would love to go!!

  6. I liked the video, Japan is very beautiful.

  7. Going to Japan is my dream!

  8. Japan is very beautiful, I would like to go someday!

  9. Japon is very nice, I really liked the video!

  10. What a beautiful trip! I hope I can go to Japan someday

  11. Japan is very beautiful place, someday I will visit it

  12. I loved everything that you show us in the video.
    I'm going to start saving money to go there and live in Japan.

  13. This video, is so cool. I hope you enjoyed to Japón.

  14. Answering to your question "What is your favourite book and why". My favourite book is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I´m also fan of Harry Potter and I like this book because is interesting since the frist page to the end. My favourite character is also Ron Weasley! regards from Spain to Australia.

  15. My answer to the question " What is your favourite book and why " is Harry Potter and the fire goblet. I love this book because of the atmosphere of the " Three wizards tournament " which is magical. I choose this one instead of other Harry Potter's books because in my opinion this book is the most adenturous and exciting of the saga.

    1. Sorry, i put " the most adenturous " but i wanted to write " the most adventurous "

  16. I prefer the Harry Potter video

  17. My favourite book is One Hundred Balconies because it was written in my village and this book gives more fame to it. This book tells the history of my village and there are many things that are written in the book that I don't knew about it before I read this book.

  18. My favourite book is The Heroes of Olympus, The House of Hades. It's my favourite book because there is Greek and Roman mythology together. In addition to this, there are adventures, magic, funny and sad moments, fights with swords or bows and mythological creatures like giant, titans, harpies, Cyclops and satires among others.

  19. My favorite book is The Seven Witch, because it is about a journey through the time and a race against someone unknown. It mix magic with history.

  20. My favourite book is "The books' robber" because i liked the story.

  21. My favourite book is 'Two detectives and a half' of a saga called Perock Holmes, it's my favourite book because it's of mistery and I love the books of mistery.

  22. My favorite book is pride and prejudice, because I like love novels and the plot is very interesting since the circumstances of the time and environment push Elizabeth to seek a marriage of convenience for economic security, but she wishes to marry for love.

  23. My answer of the question "what's my favorite book and why?" Is:
    My favorite book is "Electro" by Javier Ruescas and Manu Carbajo. It's a saga called Electro too. It have two books more. I like it because the genre of the story is fiction and mistery. I like this type of books with this genre, because I thinks there are so interesting and exiting because you don't know what happen next, the story can turns round.

  24. My favorite book is "The Day the Sky Falls"; by Megan Maxwell, it's my favorite because it's a story full of love and memories, for me it has everything you could ask for in a story

  25. My favorite book is "A monster calls" by Patrik Ness. I really loved it because it make you feel and it's very esay to identficate with the main character.This book make you cuestionate how much can you do for the people you love and even if you'r good enugh for them.

    1. *easy to identify yourself

  26. My favourite book is: The book thief by Markus Zusak because explains rhe reality if a life un an ancient Germany, tells It un such a way that you can feel the pain. And is very entertaining.

  27. My favourite book is “The prisoner of Azkaban” because the story makes you want to read more while you are reading it. The things that makes me read more and never get bored is the atmosphere, because a love the magic, the mystery and fun. Also, I have to say that the book has happy and sad moments and this makes the story more realistic.

  28. My favourite book is "Perfume: the story of a murderer" because of the morbid plot. It also makes you think whether if monsters are born or if they are made. The main character was an interesting man and had a strange and unique vision of the world that surrounded him. He thought himself as a God and that the whole world revolved around him. He was apathetic and self-centered, and killed innocent people for his own interests, so he wasn´t the typical hero you´d see in a fantasy novel nor he wasn´t a crime-solving protagonist like in mystery novels.

    If the book was written through the perspective of another character in the novel, the readers would see Grenouille (the protagonist) as the villain of the story. But what makes this novel interesting is that it´s not the case, so you´d probably be conflicted on whether to cheer him on his vile acts or hate him.

    I love black novels, and the more morbid and psychological they are, the better.

  29. My favourite book is "the messigrafia" because is my favourite player and the book talk about all of his life

  30. hola!,
    mi libro favorito se llama las lágrimas de shiva, me gusta por que es de misterio.

  31. My favourite book is memories of idhun, by Laura Gallego, because like the characters like Jack and Victoria, and it has a very interesting story

  32. My favourite book is The red pyramid of Rick Riordan, this is because it keeps you intrigued throughout the story but with moments of action, it is also about Egyptian mythology which is a topic that I love.

  33. My favourite book is LOS FUTBOLÍSIMOS because is about of football and i like the football

  34. My favourite book is called "some death photos" because I love books of fear and mystery a lot.

  35. Mi libro favorito es Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego. Me encantan todos los libros de la saga pero ese es mi favorito porque para mí es una historia muy interesante y divertida

  36. My favourite book is Shadow Hunters of Cassandra Clare, because I like the thriller and mystery genre and I think it's very interesting and has a lot of details.

  37. Hi! My favourite book is "The endless story" because it seems to me a very beautiful story.

  38. My favourite book is The books' robber

  39. My favourite book is "A través de mi ventana" by Ariana Godoy, because I love the romance novels and I enjoyed the funny moments that this book has got.

  40. My favourite book is "La Cabaña" by Nathasa Preston because my favourite kind of books are the crime novels.

  41. Mi libro favorito es "Canciones para Paula" de Blue Jeans, porque tiene relación con la vida adolescente y se asemeja a la vida real con un poco de ficción y es muy fácil ponerte en el lugar del protagonista al ser una novela tan juvenil. Me costó mucho leerlo ya que tiene muchas páginas pero una vez que te enganchas no puedes parar de leer.

  42. My favourite book is Percy Jackson and the last hero of the Olimpus by Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson's saga). It is my favourite book because it includes many adventures, greek methology and many emotions that do the story many interesting. I think that it is the best book of the first saga of Percy Jackson because in it is when has the final part, the final and best battle of the story (first saga).

  43. Mi favourite book is the boy in the striped pyamas because I like books that deal with things that happened in the past like this book that deals with a history of the Holocaust.

  44. My favourite book is The adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, because I feel identified with the main character and I would like to live that types of adventures in my life. Also, I like the books who have mistery and you don't know how can they finished since you has read the whole book.

  45. I think Japan is incredible, and i want to go, but i´m disagree with you, The Universal studios is amazing and i had prefer visit attraccions what only could find here, like attack on titan or similar. Because i love anime.


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