I'm Back in Australia

Hello everyone! I hope you are staying safe & well. 

Sadly, I returned to Australia last week. I decided to leave Spain because of the situation with COVID-19. 

Currently, in Australia, anyone who enters from another country must complete mandatory quarantine for 14 days. So, I am now in Melbourne (in Victoria) quarantined in a hotel. I don't live in or near Melbourne. So, after my 14-day quarantine ends, I can go home, but I will need to catch a flight from Melbourne to Sydney. 

To return to Australia from Zaragoza, I travelled for 4 days! On Monday, I took a bus from Zaragoza Central Bus Station to Madrid - Barajas Airport. Later that day, I caught a flight to London. I stayed in London for 2 nights and on Wednesday, I caught my flight back to Australia. It took 22 hours to get from London to Melbourne. The plane stopped in Perth (in Western Australia) after 16 hours to refuel. Then, the plane flew from Perth to Melbourne and here I am!

I really enjoyed working at IES Élaios as an English Assistant this year and I am sorry that I was not able to say goodbye to you all in person. Whenever it is safe to travel overseas again, I will come back to Spain to visit. 


Also, here is a photo of Melbourne from my hotel room window!


  1. I hope you enjoyed your stay at Ies Elaios and that you're well.
    Good bye!!!

  2. I hope you have had a great time here, in Spain, and this situation ends as soon as possible, regards.

  3. What a pity! I wish you the best!

  4. I hope you enjoyed Spain and that the trip to autralia went well for you, good bye!!

  5. I hope you enjoyed your stay in Zatagoza, we wait for you again!

  6. We liked that you were with us and that you told us about Australia

  7. Hi! I hope you had a great time here. Hopefully this situation returns to normal as soon as possible. Hope to see you soon!

  8. Hello, I hope you are well too. I hope you return to Spain soon

  9. Hello, I hope you enjoyed staying in Zaragoza, hope to see you soon.

  10. Nice blog, I hope u have a good time on Austria!

  11. Hello, I hope you are well, I'm glad you liked being at the IES and I hope you'll be back soon, take care

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hello Alicia, i really hope that you are well, this situation is new and very dificult for everyone bit for you more, because you was in an other cauntry. I hope that you return. Take care and greetings.

  14. hello Alicia, I hope you had a great trip, and that you continue to tell us your experiences.

  15. Hello Alicia, I hope you can enjoy your stay in Spain and that this situation ends as well as possible.

  16. I hope you enjoyed staying in Zaragoza

  17. Wow! It's amazing the trip you've traveled, I hope you're all right. The views are very cool!!

  18. Wow! It's amazing the trip you've traveled, I hope you're all right. The views are very cool!!
    By Laura Sanahuja :)

  19. It's so sad you had to return to Australia, but you're way safer there, next to your family. Looking forward to see you again!!

  20. Too bad that you had to leave, but I'm happy that you enjoyed teaching at the Elaios!!

  21. I hope you had a really good time in Spain.I wish you a good trip back,kisses!!
    By Lucía Peralta

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I hope you had a good time in Spain, see you again.

  24. Hello Alicia. I like it very much your blog. i hope you a good time

  25. Hello Alicia. I hope you had good time in Spain, your powerpoint was so good and interesting, see you again!

  26. Hola Alicia espero que hayas disfrutado de tu estancia en Zaragoza y espero que vuelvas para mas, me han gustado mucho las fotos

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I hope you liked Zaragoza and come again soon.

  30. Hi Alicia! I'm Laura Abad, I hope you enjoyed your experience in Spain, take care of yourself and in no time you will be back with your family!

  31. I hope you have been well in Spain, hopefully we can see you when you return to Zaragoza.
    The views you have are fantastic.

  32. Hi!, I hope you had a great time, I wish you come again soon.

  33. Thank you so much for coming to our high school, I hope you enjoyed your time in Spain!

  34. Hi Alicia!, it was great that you came to our high school, If you come back soon!!!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I hope your stay in Spain was to your liking, nice views from the hotel

  37. I hope you are well too and that you come back soon

  38. Hi Alicia! I hope you enyoy the time we spend together. We are going to miss you a lot. I hope you are fine now in Australia with your family. We love you!


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