Activities for Bachillerato

Activity #3 - Bachillerato 
Anzac Day

Anzac Day is commemorated on 25th April. It is one of Australias most important national holidays.

1.   Watch this short YouTube video:

2.   Then, readHistory of Anzac Day.’

Every year, on Anzac Day, there is a National Ceremony held at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

One part of the National Ceremony, is the reading of the Ode followed by the Last Post and one minutes silence.

3.   Watch and listen to this video of the Ode and the Last Post:

4.   This year, due to COVID-19, Anzac Day commemorations looked very different. Read this article, which interviews World War II veterans, about Anzac Day this year.

5.   Click on this link and scroll to the bottom of the pageread the section titledThe Anzac Biscuit.’

Here is the recipe for ANZAC biscuits:

6.   Now that you have completed all the above, answer the following 10 questions and send your answers to your teacher. 


1.    When is Anzac Day?

2.    Who were the ANZACs?

3.    Why is Anzac Day commemorated on the 25th April?

4.    For how long did the ANZACs fight at Gallipoli?

5.    What does ANZAC stand for?

6.    Which city did the ANZACs try to capture and why?

7.    How many Australian soldiers died throughout the Gallipoli campaign?

8.    In which year were the first Anzac Day commemorations held?

9.    Where is the National Ceremony for Anzac Day held each year?

10.  By what name was the Anzac biscuit previously known as?

Activity #2 - Bachillerato
Notable Australians

Watch this video where I explain the instructions to this research activity about Notable Australians.

This is the link to the list of 200 Significant Australians:
  1. Who have you chosen?
  2. Have you heard of this person before?
  3. Who were/are they? What are they known for?
  4. When were they born? When did they die? Where in Australia were/are they from?
  5. Why did you choose this person?
  6. Why are they significant? What is their legacy?
This is the link to the Australian Dictionary of Biography, which you may find useful, depending on who you choose to research. 

Once you have chosen someone to research and answered those 6 questions, you should email your answers/research to your teacher. Also, list any websites that you used to answer the questions.

Activity #1 - Bachillerato
Social Issues in Australia


1.     Research & answer the following questions about different social issues in Australia.

2.     You can choose to either write your answers or record an audio message. Then, send your answers to your English teacher. 

You may find the following two websites helpful for certain questions:


1.     At what age can you apply for your learner’s driving license?

2.     What is the national minimum wage?

3.     Is there a minimum working age?

4.     What is the unemployment rate?

5.     How common is homelessness?

6.     Explain how paid parental leave works.

7.     Is it compulsory to vote in elections?

8.     When was same-sex marriage legalised?


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